The Copenhagen Summit

The United Nations Climatic Change Conference commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit was held at the Bella centre Copenhagen, Denmark between 7th December to 18th Dec. The conference included UNFCCC member countries their number being 192.
The Copenhagen accord was drafted by Brazil, India, U.S., South Africa and China on December 18 which recognized that actions have to be taken to keep the temperature increase below 2 degrees. Document was not legally binding. The arguments at Copenhagen focused on 2 issues- emission cuts and money. Developed countries were required to cut their emissions by 2020 by 20-40% below 1990 levels while developing countries were supposed to come up with actions to limit emissions.
China, the world’s largest CO2 emitter committed itself to cut the CO2 emissions of its economy by 40-45% below 2005 levels by 2020 while U.S. agreed for only 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.The deal agreed to provide 30 bn a year for poor countries to adapt to climatic change up to 2012 and 100 bn a year by 2020.The reasons for its failure are-
· Rich countries did not want to give money to the poor countries.
· Developing countries such as Brazil and China said that why should they limit their economic growth because of the past emissions by the U.S. and Europe. Rich nations on the other hand argued that their green house gas emissions have already started to come down and most of the danger for future is from poor nations.
So what started as a summit ended up as a blame game by rich and the poor nations.


LINSON said...

hope the next summit in Mexico in dec is a success.

Anonymous said...

this is not fair.. the developed nations at some point of time were also underdeveloped. they have released a lot of green house emissions as well... and now they are stopping underdeveloped countries to do the same..?!! these under developed countries are never gona be able to develop like this..!