The Mobile Phone-Is it replacing the cigarette in terms of public nusisance

We have come a long way in terms of technology and advancements. But are these advancements really turning out to be a bliss or curse? Its still a million dollar question. Lets take the example of a gadget which in today's fast paced life, we cant do away with. From the roadside pan wala or an auto rickshaw driver to the most affluent businessman, its the most frequently used mode of communication for us. Yes we are talking about the mobile phones. This year the mobile phone is on its way to celebrate its 15th birthday in India. It reminds me of those days when these pesky gadgets were meant for the strong-they were the size and weight of a brick! well almost. Today India boasts of a roughly 427.29 of the talkies. Although there are both pros n cons of this instrument, i really don't know which side to take when it comes to the question that i mentioned earlier. I really don't know whether its good or bad for the society but isn't it really fantastic that a half naked coastal sun-worshiper can talk with someone who is shivering in Siberia, simply by clicking some digits and without any long cables or those huge wires?

But why really are people today so very dependent on mobile phones? well i think we have the answer here- It has helped a number of sailors find their way who were lost in those deadly seas. U lost track of your partner in an overcrowded shopping complex, just give her a call n trace her out. The husband forgets which biscuit brand he was asked to bring? give a call to your wife from 15 kms from your house n find it out, without going back home. You want a urgent appointment with your doc regarding your son's illness. Just dial those digits and get it. You are a businessman and want to finalize that most awaited deal, give your client a call.
So u name the use and your cellphone provides it. But they also blight the lives of some. Just ask Mr. Sharukh Khan who is flooded with messages (some being the most weird in nature) from unknown numbers and the incriminating billing records.

However the mobile has the dark side too. They are used in recording rapes and bashing up of people. Its ideal for bullying, blackmailing the affluent, used in kidnapping and harassing girls. it was even used as a major tool, in detonating the bomb in the Madrid terrorist activity. So even the deadliest of activities can be performed using this freaky gadget. These are the activities that a basic featured mobile phone can perform.
If we go on to see the uses of a high featured phone, its even more eyeopening. A "GPS enabled phone" can alert the boss when the employee is leaving the building. So no more bunking, which means better productivity.
"Geofencing technology" goes one step ahead. It sends alerts when an employee speeds or loiters. It also alerts when an employee goes to bars during works.
So today people are too engrossed with this product. Today u may see people blocking the road. u go up to him n ask him to park his car to the side, he sticks out his head and screams- You mind? I'm on the phone! Now this really has to be the most violated law on earth. Now tell me one more thing. Is it really necessary to have 15000 types of ring tones of different genres? i mean does it make any difference to the interview call u r going to receive? Its ridiculous. In an office you may hear everything from a girl whistling to a police vehicle siren. I mean is that really needed? Today you may not be able to read the newspaper patiently in your balcony without hearing all sorts of conversations of complete strangers.
As for SMS, You have all the liberty to change the verbs to adjectives and use all sorts of weird abbreviations. And if you write an absolutely correct full sentence, people think you are not trendy enough! I mean if a new mobile user uses the modern sms language, i guess he can deliver it verbally on the door step of the recipient, faster than typing a 2 sentence message.

So that is Mobile Phone for you. probably the most confusing gadget on the planet. Is it really for the good or does it peep into our privacy a little more than needed. Surely it'll depend on the type of user you are. Well Got to stop here. My mobile is ringing...