In our last Communication Class, our teacher was talking to us about the 'Circle of Relationships' that we create in our minds, and how we must keep everyone around us outside that 'circle' so that they can enjoy the freedom that they deserve from us...
And seeing me taking down notes, she asked my opinion... Not having experienced life as much as she has, I replied that we need everyone we love inside that 'circle', and at the same time allow them to enjoy the freedom that they want!
It is the feeling of rejection that could hurt them, that made me reply that way... We hate it when we are rejected. It stops us from reaching out to new friends, it stops us from coming together, it stops us from pursuing our dreams...
At some point in your life, you will face rejection, but your power lies in how you react to that rejection...
Always remember that you are not the centre of the universe... It should not always be about you. If someone turns you down, it is only because that person does not want to be with you at that time... At another time, he will surely want to be with you.
Or maybe your friend does not know all your charms... Cause if they did, they would definitely love you. Give them more time and allow them to collect more information about you. Remember, it takes multiple contacts to build a beautiful relationship!
Now, some relationships bring more pain than joy. Stick on and learn from them because later, you would not like to repeat the same mistakes again, in another relationship.
Are you sure now that you are not rejecting yourself? Because if you are, then you have already sealed your fate... You have to feel great about yourself more than anyone else.
It is difficult to please all the people all the time... you can't be all things to all people! Just be yourself... then people who like you for who you are, will come to you and you would be happiest in their midst. Once you realise who you are, you will be able to identify those people, who would value you more.
Always try to master the art of being rejected... Rejections may free you from more pain down the road, but just don't give up too soon... Because then you will not realise how incredible you are!
Hope now it no longer matters whether you are in or out of the 'circle', because now you are your own master and you can enjoy your life your way and with people who would love to be with you.
To Ma'am, with love.
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