COMPETITION, all are well aware about this word from childhood itself. But has anyone ever thought that whether COMPETITION is good or bad?
According to me it all depends on one's own inner self. How you see the competition ,how you accept competition,how you perform. Every one is eager to get, achieve and win over others. But what we fail to understand is that,in such situations we are not utilising our power and energy in an useful way. While competing with each other,we fail to learn others and at the same time we grow hatred which will lead to the break up of reationships. In life,man fails to recognise this major and most important fact that nothing is permanent and only because of relationships and bonding, all are existing here. Once that bondage is broken, Earth wont be a good place to live upon.
Children are trained to be competitive from thier childhood itself. But what exactly we should do is to make, train them to evolve themselves and encourage them to create new things. "COMPETITION BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN PRODUCTS AND WORST IN PEOPLE".
So do your work with your whole heart and thats the key to success,not the COMPETITION.
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