Green Eating......

"The future will be green, or not at all. this truth lies at the heart of humankind's most pressing challenges: to learn to live in harmony with the Earth on a genuinely sustainable basis"- Sir Jonathon Porrit

Eating lower on the food chain is probably the single most important thing you can do to help the environment. If the whole world stopped driving cars and SUVs, shipping goods in tractor trailers, flying planes, sending freighters across the ocean and all other transportation activity, it wouldn't do as much for climate change as if we all stopped eating beef.

Livestock accounts for 18% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, according to United Nations. This includes clearing land for gazing, raising grains for feed (often with the help of fossil fuel fertilizers). All the fertilizers and pesticides used, the antibiotics and hormones used to speed up livestock growth on feed lots and the copious manure all add to the environmental impact of raising livestock.