Prejudice against Bio-Tech

We know it very well History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Bt.brinjal is a case in point.

The D-day judgment that was given on 10Feb’10 has put a moratorium on the commercial production pending some marginal tests. Many believe this was imperative to set at ease all public apprehensions regarding bio-safety and environment effects and assuage fears about the creation of an MNC monopoly.

However, we nee not deprive GM or bio-tech of the accolades for the efforts they have made in this regard. The Bt.cotton is the product that very well speaks about the significance GM products. Refer the diagram above the yields of cotton increased unprecedented by using GM cotton seeds. GM cotton seed certainly has proved significant.

Now focus on food scarcity in India. Since, India is situated n a non-temperature agro-climatic zone where the threat posed by climatic change is the most serious; attempts should have been made to accelerate research and development in GM technology.

Look at china , it has gone ahead with massive investments in R & D in GM food crops, Particularly vegetables.

Further delays in the development of GM food varieties, starting with Bt.Brinjal could push India into a food crisis. It is the need of the hour that due emphasis is given on Bio-Tech innovations in terms of sustaining the human demands.