The Status Badge Game

In today's materialistic society most of us have been conditioned to make snap judgements about a person's level of success based on the 'status badges' that they own and display.These status badges include the sunglasses they own, the watch on their arm, the car they drive, the handbag they carry and the shoes they wear.

The big problem with this 'Status Badge Game' is that in an attempt to look successful to others, many people fall into the trap of purchasing status badges instead of managing their money wisely in order to achieve true financial independence.

One of the best decisions you can ever make for yourself and your family is to elect not to play the Status Badge Game.

By applying the simple financial philosophy to your personal items, your clothes, your car and your home you can save thousands of dollars over your lifetime. You can redirect this money into acquiring income producing assets and enjoying meaningful life experiences with the people you love.

As soon as you understand this and make the decision not to play the Status Badge Game, your whole perspective will shift. You will find yourself free of the burden and will soon be on the path to achieving true financial freedom.


Peeyush said...
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Peeyush said...

Status Badge is for the foolish but then it is also said that more richer you grow, the taste for more quality stuff grows. That is how you end up spending more but then buying product just for the sake of showing off is a pretty stupid idea. People are not fool that they wont understand you are showing off.