
Navratna company status is basically given to Public Sector Enterprises. Government of India started this in July 1997. Initially there were 9 Navratna companies in our country. But as of now there are 18 companies enjoying the Navratna status. The recent addition being the Coal India Ltd.
List of companies
1. Bharat electronics Ltd.
2. Bharat heavy electrical Ltd.
3. B.P.C.L.
4. G.A.I.L.
5. H.A.L.
6. H.P.C.L.
7. I.O.C.L.
8. Mahanagar telephone nigam Ltd.
9. National aluminium company Ltd.
10. N.M.D.C. Ltd.
11. N.T.P.C. Ltd.
12. O.N.G.C.
13. Power finanace corporation Ltd.
14. Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
15. Rural electrification corporation Ltd.
16. Shipping corporation of India Ltd.
17. S.A.I.L.
18. Coal India Ltd.

These companies have a comparative advantage and potential to emerge as global giants. It gives these companies enhanced financial and operational autonomy and empowers it to invest up to Rs 1000 crore or 15% of their net worth on a single project without seeking governments approval. They have freedom to enter joint ventures.

Before becoming a Navratna company the company has to be a Miniratna company. They should have 4 independent directors on its board before it becomes a Navratna company. In 2009, government of India established the Maharatna status, which raises a company’s investment ceiling from Rs 1000 crore to Rs 5000 crore. Presently there are 3 Maharatna companies; S.A.I.L., O.N.G.C., N.T.P.C.

Friends, now-a-days Public service enterprises are gaining lot of importance, because of their potential and scope in future. So do keep an eye on these companies.
