Organizations like individuals depend for their survival, sustenance and growth on the support and goodwill of the communities of which they are an integral part, and must pay back this generosity in every way they can.Corporate Social Responsebility need to minimize risk and to pro-actively address long-term social, economic and environmental costs and concerns.Therefore, being socially responsible is not an occasional act of charity or that one-time token financial contribution to the local school, hospital or environmental NGO.It is an ongoing year-round commitment, which should be integrated into the very core of our business objectives and strategy. I would like to start a school or fund some poor students who have the capability to understand but do not have the opportunity of doing so.Education is one of the basic things that we can provide to any person because it is the only thing that one cant take away.It stays with you and grows with you.It can help any bright student to stand on his/her own legs and take on the world.We all are going to be future corporate citizens and we should do our bit for the society.
Posted by
on Sunday, February 21, 2010
Organizations like individuals depend for their survival, sustenance and growth on the support and goodwill of the communities of which they are an integral part, and must pay back this generosity in every way they can.Corporate Social Responsebility need to minimize risk and to pro-actively address long-term social, economic and environmental costs and concerns.Therefore, being socially responsible is not an occasional act of charity or that one-time token financial contribution to the local school, hospital or environmental NGO.It is an ongoing year-round commitment, which should be integrated into the very core of our business objectives and strategy. I would like to start a school or fund some poor students who have the capability to understand but do not have the opportunity of doing so.Education is one of the basic things that we can provide to any person because it is the only thing that one cant take away.It stays with you and grows with you.It can help any bright student to stand on his/her own legs and take on the world.We all are going to be future corporate citizens and we should do our bit for the society.
As gargi has rightly put down, corporate social responsibility is not an occasional act of charity. Many companies consider CSR as their objective and take initiatives to contribute for the society. But there comes the question, is every company doing it sincerely or for the namesake or as a brand building activity? It should not be forced upon.
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