water water everywhere, nor a drop to drink


Water is available in plenty.That's what we feel but ask yourself will the future generations be that privileged?I don't think so.I find many people wasting water.In hostels I have seen people leaving the tap open and brushing or bathing.Just for 5 mins we think but its litres been wasted.We will not realise about it since it's available at a reasonable price.But I am sure,there will a day when water will be costlier than gold.We can make people aware of the consequences but it's with them to understand and realise its importance.Even on roads ,we can see tanker lorries taking water having leaks.I feel its responsibility to inform the municipality.

There are so many people in different part of our country or even one can say world been deprived of this basic amenity-WATER.We think water is everywhere but for how long? Human beings shouldn't become selfish that they forget the coming generations. Now-a-days sea water is being converted to drinking water but for how long?Also the sea basin is getting contaminated because of the industrial waste and sewage waste.

So it is each individuals duty to conserve water.If we are careful now we needn't repent for our mistakes.It is late now to think about it but at least better be late than never .