- Land filling of such wastes could produce contamination, litchgates which eventually pollute the groundwater. It might also lead to acidifcation in the soil.
- Incineration of e-waste emits toxic fumes & gases thereby polluting the surrounding air , leaching of mercury is also now leading to indefinite pollution.
- Uncontrolled fire may arise at land fills.
- Electronic items are discarded along with other household garbage , whereby the toxics pose a threat to both health & vital componnets of eco system.
Now lets think on how we could overcome this problems , in the past when pots were broken they were not thrown away rather they were crushed into fine clay powder & was remade into new finer pots, this can be done here also , recycling is a possible solution, but where & how? There are several recyclers coming up, but the best being the recycler which was first established in Bengaluru , but to transport this wastes to bengaluru is a difficult task for that, as youth we should unleash our potential & make arrangements & awareness to make our earth safe. Each & everyone should take initiative to collect these wastes & dumb in one place where the authorities could collect & hand over to the recyclers . Who knows these small choices that we make in a day could have a big impact on the environment.
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