As we all know Aamir Khan starer comedy movie drama 3 idiots has break all the records and grossed Rs.315 in just four days of its release. The movie is directed by Rajkumar Hirani and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. After the movie was realized there was a great controversy that the movie has been copied from the Chetan Bhagat’s novel 5 Point Someone. But it is not so. The book and the movie have about 10-15% similarity. There are many points that can be highlighted which show that the movie and the novel has got little bit of similarity.
The book is more of diary on IIT days and does not have any strong stance on anything and does not inspire anyone to think of changing the education system. It is more about humour of friends and is a nice book to read. After reading this book one don’t think of how to change the education system. So, saying that 3 Idiots and Chetan Bhagat’s novel have a lot in common is totally incorrect. The Aamir Khan character in the book is a plain rich guy who doesn’t like the education system and does nothing to change the education system unlike what Aamir Khan does in the movie and he is son of a gardener as shown in the movie. Neither he is close to Phunsuk Wangru (the research genius in the movie) nor does he start a science school. Beside these he is not even a topper as per the book. Further Kareena’s character in the book has an affair with Madhavan and towards the end of the book they split, they don’t get married. Seeing these we can say that the story has been conceptualized around Chetan Bhagat’s book’s character but it’s a completely new story.
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