Love in Times of Economic Crisis.

Economic crisis or not, this is the category that supplies the reasons and motivation for all the rest of it. Human beings are social animals. We seek and need human connection. Our loved ones – family and friends – not only motivate us, but make it possible to weather the storms of life. This is the socio economic aspect of economic meltdown.
In times of economic prosperity it is easy to loose track of what is truly important. Economic providers might begin to think that their primary worth to loved ones is being able to lavish them with material things: a large, expensive home, cars, the latest styles, gadgets, jewelry. When self-worth is measured in this way, and a personal financial crisis hits, the provider suddenly feels he/she is no longer worthy of love. Sometimes the family is already trying to live beyond their means, and it all starts tumbling down.

This may have already happened to you. You may feel like Hercules trying to hold up the world. Economic crisis brings loss. Whenever we have suffered a loss, we enter a grief/loss process that includes depression.
It helps to understand what is going on, and that it is a natural process. If ignored, it can interfere with your ability to function, to take care of yourself and your loved ones. If it goes far enough it can be life threatening.

When an economic crisis hits home it becomes a personal financial crisis. In times like these, almost everyone suffers some kind of loss: a job, shrinking retirement accounts, even loss of a home, watching people you care about suffer financial losses, etc. When this begins to happen to you, you enter the grief/loss process. It is essential to understand how this will affect you, and consequently the people around you.

You also need to recognize it in your loved ones!!!!!!