The Sakshar Bharat Mission , India's new adult literacy mission which PM Dr.Manmohan Singh had launched in sept 2009 got underway in 167 districts of 19 states on jan 15, 2010. the mission with a whooping budgetary support of $1bn seeks to educate 70 million illiterates, 60 million of them being women.
As per a statement issued by the Ministry of Human Resource Development ,the selected states were the ones that continued to stress on adult literacy even after the old National Literacy Mission (NLM) was disbanded staes such as Himachal Pradesh &Punjab, which neglected adult literacy,have not been included in the first phase of the mission.
According to the Ministry , the idea is to strengthen existing capacities where ever these are. The Ministry said that it decided to first sanction sakhar bharat Projects to the states that already had a capacity in the sector ,so that the other states could learn from their experience .The remaining states , where the adult component is either weak or absent, would be covered later
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