Time is running on it's uniform speed. we all are running with time to get a successful life. All are busy in life's journey. Stress becomes common during the industrial revolution when man started working with machines and the use of hands become minimal. one great philosopher said," Nature is symmetric and we have to pay for each and everything what we get from nature". Here we are paying to nature in terms of getting stress after using its natural resources. stress is psychological state of mind attained when a particular external situation evokes negative internal reaction. This affects the mind and each part of body. If stress continues to reside in body, it transforms into a chronic disease. This psychological state in turn affects the entire physiological state. It causes a hormonal imbalance in body and first affects the lower centre of brain called peripheral nevous system and then it moves to the central nervous system, which pertains to the spine from which, thirty two pairs of cranial nerves go to different part of body and form an electric circuit.
Yoga improves the flexiblity and mobility of the spine. Let us look at some common stress-causing situation: Insecuirity, Inability to control situation, Fear, judgemental attitude, Lack of understanding, Difference between the real and desired world, problems in relationship, inability to express feelings etc. If we look at all these factors, we find that man himself is the cause of stress and mostly human ego is the centre of it. He is so full of himself that he cannot think beyond.
What Yoga actually does? Yoga does not accept stress and then try to combat it. It rather aims at bringing about a high level of awareness inside a person that makes him understand the root of stress. The greatest gift that yoga can give a human being is the awareness.
Do you really want stressfree life? It is possible only by developing inner strength and awareness. I would like to conclude that " Yoga is all about fitness, meditation, awareness, clarity, fearlessness, the song of freedom and a carefree life.