Is the world beyond saving???

One of the terms we keep hearing around us ,all the time is global warming. Everywhere you turn, in every newspaper and publication its all about the problems with the environment and the world. Global warming ranks right at the top along with terrorism as the top problems facing our planet. Climate change, polar ice cap melting, erratic rainfall, extinction of plant and animal life and their complementary problems like mass starvation, killer diseases, its all doom and gloom everywhere.
Us human beings as a species are responsible for all the problems facing the world and we are the ones who have to face the consequences. With the Kyoto protocol set to expire by 2012, and the Copenhagen talks failing, we don't have adequate mechanisms in place for the future. The big fuss before global warming was ozone layer depletion. CFC's and other chemicals used in refrigerators, aerosol cans etc were causing a hole in the ozone layer. Effective steps were taken and the use of these chemicals was banned. Due to this, scientists have recently discovered that the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica has started to re-form. But even this has a problem. Another set of scientists claim that the hole was what kept the ice caps in Antarctica from melting too fast from global warming , that our actions may in fact have solved one problem but created a lot more problems.
So the question we have to ask ourselves is this - is the world beyond saving? , have we passed the point of no return and is our race to save the world lost??? New technologies are being developed, better and more sustainable sources of energy are being used, but the question still remains- will it be enough?
The answer lies with us. We are the young generation. We can be the drivers of change. Don't think worry about climate change because that is the in thing, because it is fashionable , worry about it because you care about the world and what happens to it. We must care because, what happens to the world affects us also. We have nowhere else to go apart from this little blue planet. Together as a team there is nothing we and in extension the world cant achieve. As the president of the United States Barrack Obama said in his election campaign- " Yes we can ."