Corporate Social Responsibility..........

Why Corporate Social Responsibility occurs:

It is needed so that to get a sense of fulfillment as a result of contributing to the community. It is also needed to enhance reputation, community pressure to do so. For economic, social, and environmental bottom lines, as a branding exercise to improve community is also very much important. It helps to enable employees to enjoy new levels of responsibility and leadership skills.

What some companies consider as CSR:

Education for employee families is very much important for the company to develop the economy of the country. Plant trees to offset own pollution is a good move to have the CSR. Labour welfare and training courses are the important duties to have a good culture in the society. Supporting nearby hospital, school, etc are the good move which is been done by the companies now a days. Donating through own Charitable Trust and minimizing the garbage creation is also a good move which is been done by the companies now a days.

Companies notions that they are doing CSR or don't need to:

Contributing to GDP of country, providing employment, concentrating on better products for customers and ensuring good working conditions should be known.Birla have many colleges in India for having the education in the country. Many temples is been made by the Birla in the Country. These are the many things which is been done by the Birla. I will be more focused and will contribute the 10% of the income which I will earn.

Four years ago, Reliance Industries Ltd. launched a countrywide initiative known as “Project Drishti”, to restore the eye-sights of visually challenged Indians from the economically weaker sections of the society. This project, started by one of India’s corporate giants has brightened up the lives of over 5000 people so far. This was the great achievement done by the Reliance. As it is always a question been raised that that Reliance do not follow in CSR much, but it was a great work been done by the company.

Today CSR is not a new concept in India. Corporates like the Tata Group, the Aditya Birla Group, and Indian Oil Corporation, to name a few, have been involved in serving the community ever since their inception. Many other organizations have been doing their part for the society through donations and charity events. Today, CSR in India has gone beyond merely charity and donations, and is approached in a more organized fashion. It has become an integral part of the corporate strategy. Companies have CSR teams that devise specific policies, strategies and goals for their CSR programs and set aside budgets to support them. These programs, in many cases, are based on a clearly defined social philosophy or are closely aligned with the companies’ business expertise. Employees become the backbone of these initiatives and volunteer their time and contribute their skills, to implement them. CSR Programs could range from overall development of a community to supporting specific causes like education, environment, healthcare etc.

On the other hand ‘GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals’ CSR programs primarily focus on health and healthy living. They work in tribal villages where they provide medical check-up and treatment, health camps and health awareness programs. They also provide money, medicines and equipment to non-profit organizations that work towards improving health and education in under-served communities.

I would like to have the education from the primary level. So that our country can grow from the lower level. As our country is living in village so I will be more focused on the rural sector so that the whole country can grow. Because for developing the organization maintaining the CSR is very much important. It gives a good balance between the organization and the society in which we are living.