CSR is the 3 words which is discussed by everyone in the current scenario of economic recession. Whether every firm is satisfying their CSR  is a subject for hot discussion. now we can see how firms are satisfying their CSR.We can classify CSR activities in to 2 as follows;

CSR activities not related to business

   Many firms create charitable trusts for the CSR activities like schooling of poor children, building houses for the poor, care centers for the old people etc... Companies separate these activities from the business and they will not look for any monetary profit from the activities of the trust.The source of fund for these trust is the income from the business itself. For example  Ratanji Tata Trust.

CSR activities related to business

Companies do CSR activities for increasing their business. For example Idea's advertisement theme 'avoid using paper and use mobile instead of that for preserving nature. Here mobile means the mobile which is having an idea connection. By this Idea company indirectly stating that all should use Idea mobile for the nature even though it is not saying but they creating an image like that.

In my opinion the second type of CSR activity is not for the benefit of the society. In the case of the Idea advertisement they are pretending to be sending a good message but they really wanted to add some more customer for the service but in the case of first CSR activities companies are separately doing it for the benefit of the society and not in the name of a product or brand. I would like to know your opinion. What you think about the CSR activities related to the business in which the company have a profit motive rather than giving their portion of profit for the benefit of society?