Yes hypocrisy rules our country. Religion, region, caste is still an important factor in deciding where you can live, whom you can marry, which religious place you could visit. A country known for diversity, who follows the mantra of unity is diversity is divided inside. This division is further widened by those people who are suppose to keep us united.
I am talking about the recent mud slinging game that is going on between Shiv Sena, MNS vs all others who believes against them. I know the topic is politically motivated, however I am furious, upset and disappointed equally as other youngsters of this country who is struggling hard to be successful, who tries hard to portray the beautiful picture of our country, INDIA.
I am tired, the nation is tired. Wish they realize the same. But the greed for power, the greed for money would never let the human live in peace. Wish they realize they are digging not just their coffin but the coffins of coming generations too. Hope we Indians, we the future of our country would rise above the caste ism. regionalism, religion ism and other dividing factors and stand united as ONE.
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