One fine morning i was on my way back to home after dropping my mom at railway station. The road was densely populated with cars, 2-wheelers and autos. I was following the traffic listening to melodies.
The traffic ahead me, came to a standstill and I took time for adjusting my audio settings. I could see in my left outer rear view mirror, a white indica, trying to squeeze into a non-existent gap. He took extreme left, overtook few autos and cycle walas and finally got held up behind a stationed lorry. As the traffic started to flow & when I was about to pass him, he tried to get into the lane. I picked up the pace to ensure that he does not get into the road as he was continuously pressing the horn as if someone is encroaching his way. He should be in his early twenties and was talking on his mobile phone.
Now the road was clear and seeing him in the rear view mirror, I gave full throttle. Having gained considerable distance i could see that indica was way behind struggling to keep up the pace.
He got me in the next junction and parked parallel to me. We both inched forward at every given opportunity with utmost concentration not to hit the vehicle in front.
When the traffic came to a standstill again, I realized my stupidity,
“Why am I spoiling a beautiful early morning driving like this?”
“Why should I get easily provoked on such acts by other drivers?”
Also I very well knew, one will be bit emotionally charged at such drives. Here I am risking my car, myself and as well as other road users.
When the traffic started to snarl, I gave way for him to overtake.
Next came a school crossing, where an aged watchman appointed to control the traffic for kids to cross the road, was struggling to stop the flow.
I stopped my car & watched those small kids rushing to the other side of the road . I could see all smiles at the old man for making his job a bit easier. I decided to take this lesson to the best possible extent and not to get tempted by others , be it on a highway or a city road. Let me drive the way I wish and not let others to influence it.
Tread the road ahead,triumphantly...good job!!!!!!!!
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