How to get started

One of the common question we all ask is, "Where do I start?". To answer this question, all you need to do is look up into the night sky.

On May 25th 1961, the American President John F. Kennedy stood up in front of the entire world and announced the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending a man to the moon before the end of the decade. In setting this goal, President Kennedy demonstrated an incredible amount of courage because at the time, no one knew whether it was physically or technically possible to achieve this goal. President Kennedy believed that it was possible to send a man to the moon. This belief set off a chain of events that led over 400000 people to work for over eight years in order to transform his belief into reality.

Today I'd like to encourage you to find the courage within yourself to set up and believe that a better future is possible for you.

Once you are armed with the belief, you can then decide exactly what it isthat you want to achieve and determine the steps you need to take in order to make your goal a reality.

Whether you want to send a man to the moon, achieve financial freedom, or learn to play the guitar...It all begins with belief.


mrinu said...

Here is some interesting statistics to add on...
Only 5% of the people write down their goals.
20% have goals but don’t regularly clarify and consciously commit to them. 25% have vague goals
50% don’t really know what goals are.
Even when we know what our goals are we might not have the belief of winning our goals.its ones will power and courage to take up daring goals that leads to success.
Here is an excellent quote which is motivational to start up and pursue your goals:
“What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you.”