
As the days pass by and more technological advancement takes place, the pace at which human lives are moving is amazing. To add on to the pace , the pressure of performance is eating up the well being of the common man. The tensions and workaholic attitude leads to depression and other such problems.
Depression has been a common phenomenon and now a days its being medicated too. Antidepressants are basically expensive tic tacs so as to mentally influence the patient and give him relief. The use of antidepressants is a moral dilemma. The placebo effect – the medical benefit you get from an inert pill or other sham treatment – rests on the holy trinity of belief, expectation and hope. Statistics prove that the number of Americans taking antidepressants in a decade rose from 13.3 million in 1996 to 27 million in 2005. Moreover studies have also proven that only in patients with severe symptoms, clinically meaningful drugs benefit the patients. Hence as far as the patients are concerned they are just being embittered.