Family Comes First
Always be with your family and be happy................
We all know that India is a developing country and it will become developed by 2020. My question is how can we reach this level with much faster rate? Youth of any country is considered as future of that particular country. And to empower young generation with qualities and capabilities education plays an important role. But our country actual education scenario is something different.
The really critical aspect of Indian public education system is its low quality. The actual quantity of schooling that children experience and the quality of teaching they receive are extremely insufficient in government school. A common feature in all government school is the poor quality of education, with weak infrastructure and inadequate attention. Its consequences are really very dangerous which creates inequality and retard growth of our economy.
Another reason for poor quality of education is the poor quality of teachers in government schools .Government schools are unable to attract good quality teachers due to inadequate teaching facilities and low salaries. The government currently spends only 3% of its GDP on education which is inadequate and insufficient. To improve the quality of education, the government needs to spend more money on education.
Recently Nitish kumar (chief minister, Bihar) has appointed approximately 2 lakh primary teachers for government schools in Bihar. Other states must also follow this, and help our economy to be a developed economy as soon as possible.
Budget 2010
I still feel that we as a country still lacking the will power to take the health cover and rural housing to every citizen of the country. NREGA is a good step towards the upliftment of rural India but the implementation needs to be checked. Making policies is easier than implementing them.
Electronic Mailing & Ethics...
An experience in the railway station
How many of us truly realize that God has given us so much in our life.Today we are pursuing a post graduation in management where we sit in air conditioned classrooms and stay in well furnished hostel rooms .We have been provided with all the facilities from our chidhood to present life stage by our parents .But are we doing full justice to them.Despite having all the amenities and facilities we never try to give our best because we are always engaged in enjoyment and smart lifestyle.We are fortunate to have a fulfilling and satisfactory life but we won't realize it unless it slips from our hands.We should take the full use of opportunities which are available to us in order to prosper and succeed.Wherever we go we should try to give our 100% dedication to our work because it is very necessary to be true to ourself.
Interlinking of Rivers
Why do we see natural disasters like floods striking our country on a regular basis every year, creating unprecedented havoc and causing destruction and misery to millions of people living along the river banks. This has been the story for quite some time now, presenting a whole lot of issues to the administration, which has been sitting increasingly clueless about it. Neither are they able to give proper warning signals to the people who are in potential danger nor are they able to effectively provide timely relief to those affected by the unrelenting floods.
At this point, I am reminded of what the former President of India, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam has advocated as a possible solution to the incessant floods and droughts-interlinking of river waters. This is a truly a revolutionary idea and one for the millennium. Its because floods and droughts have been a perennial problem for the nation for ages, both of which have proved extremely difficult to handle. While one part of the nation battles against flood waters, the other will be waging an unending war against drought and famine.
Hence I strongly believe that its high time the Central Government does something fruitful about this. Not just the administration, but its also up to us to carry forward on our shoulders the long-cherished dreams of our beloved ex-President and make it a reality, because the nation’s future lies in our hands.
Prejudice against Bio-Tech

We know it very well History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Bt.brinjal is a case in point.
The D-day judgment that was given on 10Feb’10 has put a moratorium on the commercial production pending some marginal tests. Many believe this was imperative to set at ease all public apprehensions regarding bio-safety and environment effects and assuage fears about the creation of an MNC monopoly.
However, we nee not deprive GM or bio-tech of the accolades for the efforts they have made in this regard. The Bt.cotton is the product that very well speaks about the significance GM products. Refer the diagram above the yields of cotton increased unprecedented by using GM cotton seeds. GM cotton seed certainly has proved significant.
Now focus on food scarcity in India. Since, India is situated n a non-temperature agro-climatic zone where the threat posed by climatic change is the most serious; attempts should have been made to accelerate research and development in GM technology.
Look at china , it has gone ahead with massive investments in R & D in GM food crops, Particularly vegetables.
Further delays in the development of GM food varieties, starting with Bt.Brinjal could push India into a food crisis. It is the need of the hour that due emphasis is given on Bio-Tech innovations in terms of sustaining the human demands.
Sachin Tendulkar
Food and Human
water water everywhere, nor a drop to drink
Water is available in plenty.That's what we feel but ask yourself will the future generations be that privileged?I don't think so.I find many people wasting water.In hostels I have seen people leaving the tap open and brushing or bathing.Just for 5 mins we think but its litres been wasted.We will not realise about it since it's available at a reasonable price.But I am sure,there will a day when water will be costlier than gold.We can make people aware of the consequences but it's with them to understand and realise its importance.Even on roads ,we can see tanker lorries taking water having leaks.I feel its responsibility to inform the municipality.
There are so many people in different part of our country or even one can say world been deprived of this basic amenity-WATER.We think water is everywhere but for how long? Human beings shouldn't become selfish that they forget the coming generations. Now-a-days sea water is being converted to drinking water but for how long?Also the sea basin is getting contaminated because of the industrial waste and sewage waste.
So it is each individuals duty to conserve water.If we are careful now we needn't repent for our mistakes.It is late now to think about it but at least better be late than never .
Decoding “The Code Of Ethics”…..
Buzz! with care
Today’s world is a busy place where time means money and people spend it parsimoniously when it does not give monetary returns, the result is that we have started reducing our social interaction and thus have shrinked our world and knowledge about our surroundings. But man is a social animal and it can not stay too far from its origin so virtual society and social networking was invented and widely accepted by all as it bridges the gap created by our daily busy schedule and lack of time. To know the world, new people, culture and interacting with friends and colleagues at the twinkling speed and at your finger tip is indeed interesting and thus social networking sites like orkut, facebook and twitter has become part of our life. These platforms allow users to write messages, share photos, videos and make their own community. But along with all these happy moments that we share, people also pass on their personal information unconsciously that can be misused in various ways. In this the new addition is Google Buzz, since its launch more than 9 million posts and comments have been created on Buzz. Google Buzz is built directly into Google’s Gmail and the product automatically creates each user’s social network, based on the person’s most frequently mailed contacts. Since the Buzz contact network is publicly viewed by default and could expose people’s private contacts it can create privacy problem without user’s knowledge.
I conclude with a small blogging scrap that continue the social interaction and networking, but before your next scrap and buzz pause for a moment and be sure of your privacy and information shared on such platforms.
Best of luck to all for exams.
PDP.....a platform to learn and explore
hello friends,
Today was the last day of our PDP.I enjoyed a lot and hope so you all also did.As we are bussy with our assignments and studies for the upcoming exams this PDP gave us a chance for 2 days to forget eveything and learn , enjoy and develop overselves.Our session was taken by Mr.M.A.S Menon and i was really amazed seeing his enthusiasm at the age of 63.I learned a lot of things from him like one should be always happy and entusiastic what so ever the age is then only one can develop himself , have confidence in ourself , work towards achieving your goals with a strong will power and a lot of things to mention......
We learned how a team works and how efficiently working in a team we can achieve our goals.We were divided into teams and was given a task of making Human Machine and that was the time when we all worked as a team and came out things like a Train, Buldozer, Car and a complete process of electricity production for glowing of bulb which was shown by my team.It was really interesting.
This is the platform where we can learn and explore overself...that too learning is not done like a class session but it is in a more intersting manner which all of us enjoy...if this session would have been before we would have enjoyed it more as exams are coming..ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF YOU...Do your best and dont fear anything as if you have the will to achieve somthing, if you have a determination and focus towards your goals SUCCESS will surely come to you.
overall, france topped the poll for the fifth consecutive year, followed by Australia, Switzerland, germany, in that order. The US lost four positions to end at seventh. Sweden has been the costliest country in the world to live in .
The Index published for the 30th year, ranks 194 nations in nine categories , cost of living , culture and leisure, economy, environment , freedom, health, infrastructure ,safety and risk, and climate. India not only improved its position in the tallybut also gained 25 points in the cost of living categories . This year, we got 65 points compared to 40 last year. we hope it will improve day by day and reaches to the top postion in future by eradicating terrorism, Naxalism, and corruption.
in this blog i would like to introduce a personality in financial world to you. A person who was the richest man in the world. A person who is known as the saga of omaha. yes, my friends it it is none other than the famous warren buffet.
Warren buffet is a stock broker and a philanthropist.he born in omaha, usa at 1930.Buffet entered the stock market at the age of 12. His first trading was flops, but the later the world could see what he is!. After the schooling buffet applied to Harvard for higher studies. But they rejected his application siting that he is too young for it. i think that was the worst decision taken by the Harvard on the admission.
After entering to the stock market buffet sets his own firm- the famous Berkshire Hathaway.The stock market saw many magic from him. this lead to the condition that any rumor that buffet going to by a particular share rise the value of that share to sky.
At present his net worth is 62 billion$. It is obvious that he is good in what he is doing. But that is not greatness, his grateness is he is pludged to give away his assets for the charity works. There might be many billionaires, but the people who give their hard earned money for charity purpose are very rare. That makes him different from others...
Test cricket is best
Which other form of the game provides the space for the sort of heroism that players like Hashim Amla, Harbhajan Singh displayed over the last 2 days at Eden gardens? It was also a series that will be remembered fot the batting exploits of Sachin the grate, world cricket's most thrilling batsman Virender Sehwag as well as the prodigiously accomplished Jacques Kallis and ever dependable M.S. Dhoni. In the end India deserved to hold on to its No 1. Test ranking because it showed strength of charecter.
Compulsion Drains The Real Essence
However, to be honest, I am disappointed. Right from the beginning it was evident that people were posting blog just for the marks and not cause they are interested. I lost my interest when I noticed people posting after copying it from the blogs posted by other people that too after constantly reminding not to do so. There are still many who have posted copy pasted articles. Sad part is they believe it cannot be traced.
Whole thing lost its purpose. Had no marks been associated to blogging assignment and had it not been compulsory, we might have pulled it off cause then only the ones who are interested would have posted and others who are not interested would not have felt compelled.
I am responsible for the failure of the blogging assignment too and I won't deny the fact. No justification said or given. In the end, I am happy that I am going back to my personal blog, my world and I am content.
P.S. As a suggestion, if all of you are interested (or at least few of us), we can keep this blog active, otherwise we may leave it to die.
Who will be the next superpower: India or China
"China targeted M&A volume stood at $8.3 billion, is the highest among the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations in 2010 YTD, followed by India with $2.8 billion," according to global deal tracking firm Dealogic. While the India-targeted M&A deals so far in 2010 grew by 43 per cent from $1.98 billion in the year-ago period, China targeted volume rose 88 per cent to $8.3 billion. So far in 2010, the BRIC targeted M&A volume has reached USD 12.7 billion, up 42 per cent compared with 2009 Year-To- Date (YTD). The BRIC M&A volume accounts for 10 per cent of global M&A volume in 2010 YTD, the report said. It added that the top five BRIC deals in 2010 YTD, involve Chinese and Indian targets and account for 47 per cent of the total BRIC volume. While Brazil targeted M&A deals stood at $851 million YTD, down from $2.1 billion in the year-ago period, the same for Russian Federation nearly doubled to USD 774 million. According to Dealogic the announced cross-border acquisition of China's Orient Overseas Development Ltd by Singapore-listed CapitaLand, via its subsidiary CapitaLand China (RE) Holdings Co Ltd, is the largest deal in 2010.
In my opinion the Google China contradiction didn't affect the flows of FDI in China. Still India has a chance to overtake China. China is facing some of its banking problem. actually Chinese authorities had instructed some major banks to curb their lending over the rest of this month after an early burst of credit. The central bank has also told some individual lenders to increase their reserve requirement ratio by half a percentage point. The effect can be seen in the stock market of China and world. On the other hand India is still having an upper hand in IT. Big giants like TCS, WIPRO, INFOSYS are increasing their workforce by 5.1% to satisfy increased US demand. India's 60bn $ industry is having 60% business transaction with us. So on a whole India has the chance to capitalise the google issue into their favour if it creates some tension in the relation of US and China and develop in a great speed. The stage is set for india now..
What are your opinions?
and terrifying death.
The next day, a carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An well dressed man stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."
"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked. "Yes," the farmer replied proudly.
"I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."
And that he did. In time, Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia.
What saved him? Penicillin.
The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.
His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill..
The election was supposed to happen on last saturday and it was told to be taking place before 2 hours of the proposed starting time.everybody worked for many days day and night and the last moment the election is called was done only because on the intertest of a particular party whom feared a loss in the election.
we could see that this is just like the usual politics happening in our country and what the campus politics came into existence was not primarily for this. it was for the development of the students, not to recruit politicians from institutions.
i feel really sorry to hear that in a region where the educational level has increased many folds and the politicians still exploiting the youth for their internal purposes.
The Copenhagen Summit
The Copenhagen accord was drafted by Brazil, India, U.S., South Africa and China on December 18 which recognized that actions have to be taken to keep the temperature increase below 2 degrees. Document was not legally binding. The arguments at Copenhagen focused on 2 issues- emission cuts and money. Developed countries were required to cut their emissions by 2020 by 20-40% below 1990 levels while developing countries were supposed to come up with actions to limit emissions.
China, the world’s largest CO2 emitter committed itself to cut the CO2 emissions of its economy by 40-45% below 2005 levels by 2020 while U.S. agreed for only 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.The deal agreed to provide 30 bn a year for poor countries to adapt to climatic change up to 2012 and 100 bn a year by 2020.The reasons for its failure are-
· Rich countries did not want to give money to the poor countries.
· Developing countries such as Brazil and China said that why should they limit their economic growth because of the past emissions by the U.S. and Europe. Rich nations on the other hand argued that their green house gas emissions have already started to come down and most of the danger for future is from poor nations.
So what started as a summit ended up as a blame game by rich and the poor nations.
Bt Brinjal-A boon or a bane?
Coming to the negative aspect, many studies have been conducted and even many scientists are saying that it shouldn’t be approved as it can lead to various health problems like kidney problems, allergies and environmental problems. Many of the people opposing it says that Bt gene produces a poison which kills pests, so what is the proof that it won’t pose a threat to human health. Higher yield of a crop is not bigger than people’s health and biggies who are vouching for its introduction like kiran Mazumdar Shaw are doing this only for their business interests.
So people from both sides are fighting to prove their part, one proving the other wrong. Whatever be the result it’s the common man whose going to suffer. Let’s watch out for the result!
Follw your heart
So, we must not depend on others to decide for us what to do or what not to do. One must not ignore to listen his or her heart because somehow it always know what we want to do actually.
Friends, here i would like to share with you my experience, i had during PRAGATI 2010- AMRITA SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT B - FEST. It was a two day event (19th and 20th FEB). The tag line for the event was " Credits to your elements" and the theme being GO GREEN.
Our Team consisted of 15 students, participating in various events. We started our journey on thursday night around 8:30pm.All students were charged up, for some this was the first B-FEST.
We reached Coimbatore at 1:00am. We had students from Amrita to pick us.We reached the venue around 1:45am. All were tired as none of us slept in train.We were allotted rooms and all of us hit the beds around 2am.
Fresh air, a cool breeze to play with and the picturesque landscape, i think this is the best way i can describe the next day morning. Wow...... this scene was worth an experience.The college was located on slopes of various hills.It was a lush green campus,(500 acres). They had Engg, MBA, MSW, MCA and Mtech at the same campus.
There were nearly 23 colleges participating.We had the opening cermony around 9:15am followed by various events. Talking about the events, they were really creative, innovated logical and challenging. All the events were managed by 1st year students. Some of the events were Salvador, Anitya, Livida Loca with Moeda, Novato Empressa, I am legend and so on...
The students worked really hard in coordinating the events, managing students from various colleges. At the end of the day we had the cultural night.
Second day also we had continuation of some of the events and some new events.We won prizes in HR games and SYSTEMS games.
The food served, though it was veg was really tasty. The hospitality, transportation, food and various other committees did a very good job. We reached back on sunday morning at 6:00am.
To conclude i would like to say, though i have been to two fest before this ( IMK TRIVANDRUM and RAJGIRI COCHIN). This fest was totally a different one. It had every thing in it energy, competition, fun, zeal...... Friends, though SCMS management usually does not allow 2nd year students to be part of any management fest team, but do try and be there for PRAGATI 2011. I can assure you it will be worth an experience.
Hi friends, do you think that watching TV cartoons have a negative impact on children. For them, it is their source of entertainment. Keeping this in mind many cartoon companies have also come up and they all are doing good business. But is it possible that unknowingly they are showing some violent content in their cartoons that may affect the tender hearts of children? Children have become much more interested in cartoons over many years and it has become a primary action to some lives. This has become a problem because too many children are watching too much television and the shows that they are watching have become violent and addictive. The marketing is targeted toward the children to cause them to want to view the cartoon regularly. The children are more likely to mental and emotional problems along with brain and eye injuries and unexpectedly the risk of a physical problem increase .Marketing is the cause where children are exposed to emotional vulnerabilities and this can lead to serious offence in the behaviour of children by their involvement with electronic media can limit the social interaction. The companies view the kids through an economic lens. A child when makes his parent buy items with cartoon figures embossed on it is the marketing companies' DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!
Youths moving away from politics
Through this blog i like to draw your attention why there is less number of young politicians in india.Younger generation is moving away from Politics.They consider it as a dirty game played by some dirty minded people.Every educated youth wants to work for an MNC or in any foreign country soon after passing out.Today,Youths even consider casting of their precious vote as sheer waste of time.I dont know how many of us are really updated with the recent political news & changes.But when sometimes the government under performs in some circumstances, then these youths are the first to protest or criticise against its policies.Everybody wants a change in the system but nobody is willing to enter the arena and bring a change.All likes to enjoy the rights but nobody likes to perform the duties.Anybody can blame others but to feel the heat and bring changes really needs some caliber.Youths have that caliber in it but it is moving away from its duty towards the nation.
Friends its high time now.Comeon we should pledge ourself to do something good for the country.If every individual contributes a little and sincere effort then also it will be enough to take the country to a position from developing to developed country.
Thinking about getting yourself lost with MOTHER NATURE, then you are a true traveler. No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.
For some traveling gives the deserved break they need in this hectic world, but for a true adventurist it is exploring the natural bliss of this world. the difference between them is that the traveler sees what he sees and the tourist sees what he has come to see. The traveler is active, he/she are strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive, he/she expects interesting things to happen to them, they go "sight-seeing". The essence of traveling is to experience it.
The beauty of nature is not down in any map, true places never are unless one explores it. People don't explore nature's beauty because of the fear that they might accidentally get lost. But for true travelers, Getting lost never always happens by accident, but it happens for their passion for adventure. A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving .The beauty of traveling is that it not only lets one to experience the world but also to know different people and culture.
Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. Don't get your mind to get stagnant in one place, explore and learn. There is more to learn from the world than from the books. And the most important thing in travel is to experience it, the experiences will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind.
FEED BACK...........
Management training program is slowly getting into its top gear. We the 272 different brains with a common goal are moving with the flow. It’s a new and different experience for all of us. Immediately after completion of graduation, everybody has a mentality that they are special and they had achieved something in their life, after their graduation degree. But its just an illusion, the reality is a bit different from this. Graduation is just like an unprocessed product. The MBA does the remaining work to process an individual & transform them into a polished product and an attractive wrapper around it.
It sounds good, but hard to implement and achieve. Everybody has a long term goal but in order to accomplish it we all have to make a no. of short term goals and put real effort to achieve it. Before coming here each of us wanted to get into a good business school. After coming here every one realizes that, they are not perfect in all aspects to fit into a profile of a good manager.
MBA program is designed in such a way that all individual students get an opportunity to find out their weak areas, then through continuous learning and practicing, they are able to overcome it and evolve themselves as excellent managers and balanced human beings.
In order to overcome our weakness the feedback is very important. Feedback is the key word which acts as a catalyst to transform a common trainee to an excellent manager.
Here in SCMS we perform several educational and co curricular activities. Feedback is a common word which comes after every performance and activity. It teaches us where we are wrong? What is to be done? How to be done? All the time our beloved teachers give feed back to us. Usually students implement on it and try to rectify their weaknesses.
But what I feel is that feedback can even be more effective if it has been delivered only after prolong and keen observation of an individual. As an example generally we have five classes foe a subject in a week and the respective teacher suppose to spend this much of time with us in class room. During these five hours, teachers have to look after whole class and cannot observe and emphasize on an individual alone. According to their experience they give feedback and we implement on it that really works.
So I thought feed backs are considered very much important for us and its effectiveness is directly proportional duration of keen observation. After class presentation we use to ask our several friends about our presentations to generate confidence and overcome weaknesses. I felt the peers who give their opinion or feedback to us, are even more effective because there is no hesitation among students. The most important factors is the time that we spent together. Each of us generally spent most of our time with classmates in college and hostel. So they are the ones who are closely aware with the different shades of our personality.
Finally, I would like to say that we should always take the feedback of our teachers as well as friends seriously and try to implement on it accordingly this itself can make a huge difference and make your path easier.
When you can say it, you say it. When you are not able to say it, it comes out as tears. However, when the mind encounters very deep emotions, emotions that are beyond its comprehension, it chooses an alternative channel of expression, which are tears. People say, “I don't know why I cried so much?” In fact, if you know why, you will not cry.It's only when an experience incapacitates the mind, it comes out as tears. If the mind can comprehend the emotion,then it won't come out as tears.
Spontaneous tears are the most honest of all human expressions, as the mind isn't involved.Of course, when I say 'spontaneous tears', I am not referring to the manipulative tears that are caused by a decision in order to serve as an emotional blackmail. When I say 'spontaneous tears' I am referring to involuntary tears.
When you can handle the loss, you talk about it. When you are not able to handle the loss, it comes out as tears. When you can express your gratitude, you say it. When your sense of gratitude is so deep that it is beyond words,tears trickle down out of gratitude. When you can talk to Him, you pray in words. When He talks to you, when you can hear the whispers of His silence, spontaneous tears trickle down.
Holding back tears is painful, causing muscle tension and chest discomfort. Controlling tears makes you sick.The muscle tension required to put on a 'brave' face and to control your tears is responsible for much of your high blood pressure and coronary artery diseases. Tears that do not find expression through the eyes will cause some other organ to weep, which are the various diseases. Having a good cry is a cathartic experience, while suppressing tears create stress. It is typical for asthma sufferers to report that they do not often cry. And, after they
learn to shed tears the frequency of their asthma attacks reduces.Don't be afraid to cry. Never be ashamed of your tears. Expressing your tears is vital to mental and physical health.Teaching boys that men do not cry is lying to them about the importance of tears. Women of today, assuming masculine roles in the workplace, have also acquired a masculine style of inhibiting tears. As a result, they are now developing diseasepatterns similar to that of men's.
Tears can bring emotional absolution and relief, making you human and whole again. Tears at the right time and in the right place have such healing powers as to make them seem almost holy. Tears confirm you are still capable of deep emotions.Tears reveal you are able to feel deeply. Tears simply mean you are still human. If something is worth your love,it is worth your tears.
Change Is A Sign Of Life.........
Your choice is either hide or dare, or turn into a still, lifeless pawn.
Learn from the brook onward flow and to flaunt wingspan from a lark;
Learn to shine bright, learn to glow like the firefly glistens in the dark.
You have no way but the one ahead; rise tall and make the most of it;
It is designed from glades you tread, opposing weakened urge to quit.
If you look around you'll see no hue sparkling in cold, shivering death;
In stillness, you just cannot construe, sign of another chance at breath.
The path is long or short as deemed, getting brighter as you dare strife,
It is made of fabric you have dreamed, with change being the sign of life.
Once a cheetah chased a hare. Though the cheetah is the fastest running animal it couldn’t catch the hare. So cheetah accepted its failure and asked hare about the secret. The hare replied “you are running for your food and I am running for my life”.
This is the difference between the one who succeeds and one who fails. When we are running for our life we are becoming 100% efficient. It is this efficiency which favours the success. During exam days the concepts enter into our mind easily than the other days.
What if everytime we run for our life? We need not get disappointed. What if we love everything what we are doing? We need not work another day in our life. So When we run for our life we will always win the race.
The Status Badge Game
The big problem with this 'Status Badge Game' is that in an attempt to look successful to others, many people fall into the trap of purchasing status badges instead of managing their money wisely in order to achieve true financial independence.
One of the best decisions you can ever make for yourself and your family is to elect not to play the Status Badge Game.
By applying the simple financial philosophy to your personal items, your clothes, your car and your home you can save thousands of dollars over your lifetime. You can redirect this money into acquiring income producing assets and enjoying meaningful life experiences with the people you love.
As soon as you understand this and make the decision not to play the Status Badge Game, your whole perspective will shift. You will find yourself free of the burden and will soon be on the path to achieving true financial freedom.
A man must understand that women think differently. Men tend to be hasty and often can not understand the compromises a woman makes, to keep peace in the family. They see compromises as unneccessary. When a man finds the wife thinking differently, he is, therefore, annoyed. but on the other hand, the wife feels her husband as unfeeling because he is not able to think as she does. Neither of them is right in their attitude towards the other. If the man realises that women do not think as men do if women also accepts this difference as only natural, there will be peace in family. There will not be any need for them to think of separating. Instead of harping on major disagreement and magnifying these, untill they assume gigantic proportions. Husband and wife should think of those occasions when they helped each other out. If say, one of them had been ill, and the other had nursed the sick spouse, thinking of that would make one feel grateful and all disagreement would be forgoten. If people remember the good others have done them and if they do not think of quarrels all the time, life will be so easy much better.
It is not easy to think this way; it comes with practice. one thing that could help is the company of good people. The company of good people can be compared to heaven. Good people who are not quick to criticize others are those who teach us by example, how we should behave towards others. The more we are in the company of such people, the less egoistic we will be. The more accomodating we are towards others, the happier we will be. So we must seek the company of God-fearing, gentle people and learn from them how to live. That is what will give us happiness.
How to get started
On May 25th 1961, the American President John F. Kennedy stood up in front of the entire world and announced the dramatic and ambitious goal of sending a man to the moon before the end of the decade. In setting this goal, President Kennedy demonstrated an incredible amount of courage because at the time, no one knew whether it was physically or technically possible to achieve this goal. President Kennedy believed that it was possible to send a man to the moon. This belief set off a chain of events that led over 400000 people to work for over eight years in order to transform his belief into reality.
Today I'd like to encourage you to find the courage within yourself to set up and believe that a better future is possible for you.
Once you are armed with the belief, you can then decide exactly what it isthat you want to achieve and determine the steps you need to take in order to make your goal a reality.
Whether you want to send a man to the moon, achieve financial freedom, or learn to play the guitar...It all begins with belief.
ADAM- iPad Killer
India is so far considered as a software superpower (as DR. Subramanian Swamy told) and hasn’t really made waves in the IT hardware.This could soon change, thanks to the Adam tablet PC of Hyderabad-based Notion Ink. Adam has generated enormous buzz on tech websites and gadget blogs ever since an early prototype was first demonstrated at the CES 2010 (Consumer Electronics Show), the world's largest consumer tech trade show.
The founders of Notion Ink are six IITans and an MBA graduate, with an average age of 24. They believe India has the potential of being the world’s Tech super power. Indian engineers and designers are doing most of the innovative work at Microsoft, Intel, and Apple. So there has to be someone who can make them believe that what Indians can do, and they did it.
What's so different about their tech? Three years in the making, the Adam tablet is the first device in the world to integrate two breakthrough power saving components - nVidia’s Tegra 2 chip and a PixelQi screen. Together, they help it achieve twice the battery life and performance of the iPad.
The chip provides an edge over the iPad with its ability to play full high definition videos and Flash on the web browser. It can offer the performance of a computer with the power consumption of a cell phone.
Adam’s 10-inch screen integrates many innovations first used in the $100 OLPC (one laptop per child) project. Unlike traditional screens, PixelQI screen has a dual mode, and can be read in bright sunlight like an e-reader. With the backlight off, the company claims that it can increase battery life between charges by a factor of five. It works on Google’s Android mobile operating system.
What about the pricing? Apple iPad is priced $499 but Adam is priced just $327. It expects to start retail sales, at first in USA, from July onwards.
“Shine India Shine”
Smart City Kochi was a failed realestate project which was supposed to be constructed in Kochi. Dubai internet city potentially was the main investor of the project which has the potential to create over 100,000 jobs (direct employment to 80,000 people and indirect employment to another 20,000 people).Recently, on the wake of the 2008 economic recession, the Kerala government revealed that the Dubai Internet City authorities are lacking fund for the project, and hence the future prospects of this project is not bright
The project was originally initiated by A K Antony in 2003 when he was the chief minister of Kerala. Later, during Ommen Chandy's chief ministerial period, he was very keen about going ahead with this project. For this purpose, he invited the Dubai Internet City officials for a feasibility study and later the memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) was signed. Due to protest from opposition parties, he could not make it a reality.After V.S. Achuthananthan took over as the chief minister, he also showed interest in this project and invited the Dubai Internet City team for another round of discussions. He proposed new suggestions and altered the earlier MoU prepared during Oommen Chandy’s time.On 13 May 2007, the officials of the Government of kerala and TECOM Investments and Sama Dubai signed the final agreements
.In November 2009, the state government raised doubts about TECOM’s financial stability and made statements that new promoters would be sought if Tecom was not willing to start the project as per the framework agreement. The main hurdle was Tecom's stand on free-hold land right which the state government would not give to the promoter. In Jan 2010, the company came down from its stand that free-hold land right given to it before the project was started and conceded to the government stand that it could be given only after completion of the master plan.
LDF government for the last 3 years drag this project by saying small small excuses.Now the election time they need to do something for the people in order to get the vote for the next they are acting fastly for this smart city project by giving time limit to the Tecom company and warn them that if they are not willing to do it right now they will give the project to other companies.If the government compromises a little to Tecom years before the project would have become a reality and our Kerala would become more developed.
“Languages are among the most precious and the same time the most fragile, treasure of mankind”
The first thing the baby sees immediately after the birth is mother, the first words he will listen is from mother and the first word he speaks is a sweet word “mother”. That’s why it is called as mother language. For the growth of the child mother’s milk is very important like that only for the development of the child mother language is very important. That’s why for the sake of mother language many protests came and many sacrificed their lives for that.
After India’s independence in 1947 during the division of India and Pakistan the western part of Bengal went into the eastern part of Pakistan and recognised as East Pakistan. During that period there are many conflicts between this region and Pakistan because of financial matters, Culture and Language. Later Urdu was recognised as an official language of Pakistan, the people in the East Pakistan who will speak Bengali protested this decision. The government had chosen the violent path to demolish it. In this four students of Dhaka University died on February 21, 1952 because of this the revolution became more serious. In February 26, 1956 the Pakistan government came down and recognised Bengali as another official language. Subsequently that region was formed as separate country Bangladesh with Bengali as their official language. In remembrance of the four students who sacrificed their lives for their mother language UNESCO announced February 21st as International Mother Language Day and it was being celebrated from 2000.