On January 12th, Haiti was rocked by a massive earthquake of the magnitude 7.0 on the moment magnitude scale. A natural disaster of such devastating proportion, that it took the lives of nearly 1,70,000 people according to official estimates and displaced closed to three million people. Countless buildings also perished on that fateful Tuesday, trapping beneath many unforunate Haitians. Even the presidential palace of Haiti crumbled under nature's fury.
The International community was shocked at the devastation in Haiti and relief efforts commenced early, with many countries including India donating aid to Haiti. NGO's around the world reached the scene soon to provide services for thousands of homeless people.
It was not just the Governments and Organisations that pitched in, ordinary people also donated generously. In America, for the 1st time, SMS was used to donate money for relief efforts. By messaging the word "HAITI" to a number assigned by the mobile carrier, ordinary people too got a chance to make a difference to the lives of thousands of people. Each SMS sent, fetched 10$ for Haiti, with the carriers rising to the occasion and waiving off the message fee so that all the money generated was used to help rebuild lives in Haiti. Such an innovative strategy made sure that even people with the heart to donate but not willing to take up the hassles involved with it, can also be a part of this great humanitarian mission. More than 10Million dollars were raised via sms alone.
It reaffirms my faith in the goodwill of humanity to see so many people trying to help fellow human beings, in spite of all the hatred and animosity that exists in today’s world. This one picture sums it all up, outstretched arms of 7year old "Kiki" and the sparkle in his eyes, who saw his mother for the first time in 8 days after being trapped beneath the rubble,reminds us to embrace life with both hands and value each and every human life.
The International community was shocked at the devastation in Haiti and relief efforts commenced early, with many countries including India donating aid to Haiti. NGO's around the world reached the scene soon to provide services for thousands of homeless people.
It was not just the Governments and Organisations that pitched in, ordinary people also donated generously. In America, for the 1st time, SMS was used to donate money for relief efforts. By messaging the word "HAITI" to a number assigned by the mobile carrier, ordinary people too got a chance to make a difference to the lives of thousands of people. Each SMS sent, fetched 10$ for Haiti, with the carriers rising to the occasion and waiving off the message fee so that all the money generated was used to help rebuild lives in Haiti. Such an innovative strategy made sure that even people with the heart to donate but not willing to take up the hassles involved with it, can also be a part of this great humanitarian mission. More than 10Million dollars were raised via sms alone.
It reaffirms my faith in the goodwill of humanity to see so many people trying to help fellow human beings, in spite of all the hatred and animosity that exists in today’s world. This one picture sums it all up, outstretched arms of 7year old "Kiki" and the sparkle in his eyes, who saw his mother for the first time in 8 days after being trapped beneath the rubble,reminds us to embrace life with both hands and value each and every human life.
HAITI was another disaster which the WORLD had to face.
if one SMS can feed the hunger, then thats a great deal!!!!
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