In full accord on a global threat world leaders on Tuesday endorsed Barack Obama's call for securing all nuclear materials around the globe within 4 years to keep them out of grasp of terrorists. They offered few specifies for achieving that goal.

Securing the nuclear material for effective use in power generation and biomedicals is the talk of the news. But the main agenda of this summit is to make furthur progress in a disarmament act and restrict the use of nuclear materials by non-state actors and terrorists.

The summit countries said they would cooperate more deeply with the United Nations and its watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. Several countirs including Ukraine, Mexico and Canada, declared their intention to give up Highly Enriched Uranium(HEU) as a step toward making it harder for terrorits groups. Russia and US signed a deal to dispose of tons of weapons-grade Plutonium, although that wont start for 8 years.