Nuclear Bill Liabilityl
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on Saturday, April 24, 2010
Nuclear bill liability is a civil liability for nuclear damage.A crucial bill that provides for compensation in case of a nuclear accident.It is key to operationalise the landmark Indo-Us nuclear deal.The bill pegs the maximum amount of liability in case of each U.S nuclear accident at Rs 300 crore to be paid by the operator of the nuclear plant.However the draft bill also has provisions that would enable the government to either increase or decrease the amount of liability of any operator.The bill is necessary to activate Indo-U.S. Civilian nuclear agreement .after this bill becomes an act ,India will become a member of the international convention on liabilty in the civil nuclear arena.The bill is certainly debatableas it has certain clauses which indirectly let free the manufactures and the builders of the nuclear reactors from any financial and legal liability.according to the clause 7 defines the operator will haveto pay Rs.500 crores and the remaining amount will be paid by the indian government.This is considered as a ridiculous point as the operator will be the Nuclear Power corporation of india Ltd(NPCIL) which itself is a government owned facility.The operator can claim the liabilites form the manufactures and supplier if it is mentioned in the contract .But the maximum amount payable by the foreign companies will be a very little sum of RS 500 crore.Ultimately ,it is the Indian Tax payer who will have to give the money even when the accident has occured due to others mistakes.Clause 17 deals with legal binding of the culpable groups in case of a nuclear accident.pratically,no one is considered legally liable because the recourse taken by the operator will yield only Rs 500 crore at maximum.The operator or the responsible persons in case of a nuclear accident will undergo the trial under Nuclear Damage claims commissions and no civil court is given the authority.
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