WALK WALK...............

INDIA as you all know is a paradise of Diabetes and blood pressure, these two together with high cholesterol cause syndrome-X. Indians diet is very high in carbohydrates and saturated fats, this diet with physical inactivity leads to diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol. Every Indian should realise that living with syndrome-X is harmful to health, which might lead to premature death due to heart attack or stroke. This is big burden on loved ones and family.

Every young Indian should realize that all the above disease can be prevented (for sure) through regular physically active life, healthy diet rich vegetables and fruits, and limit foods that are rich in carbohydrate and saturated fats. Those who are already living with these lifestyle disease, start regular physical activities right today and ward off disease related complications like heart attack, stroke, diabetic problems, kidney diseases and so on.

In addition, walking and other physical activities have vast health benefits. Keep you live longer with good health, mind and heart.

The food style of the individuals needs to be based on the lifestyle of that person. In turn, it should be something which is to be tailor made and it is to be strictly followed. Our ancestors had a very good composite food items. It had a good nutritive value and they even had a good physique too. By saying the so called development and modernisation, we are slowly forgetting or neglecting our native food resources. we should keep it in our mind to have the menu which matches with our daily calorie requirements and follow it. walking is a good source to keep our body and mind in a healthy condition. It saves our time in spending time unneccessarily in watching TVserials and in other means. It is a healthier practise which we should make as our daily routine for all in our families.

Remember,Health of Indian Human Resource is the real asset of the nation and Modernization is not blind westernization. So lets Indianise our Indians life.....