What I suggest :
Some blog posts should be deleted and only few quality, meaningful blogs should survive before we start a new journey.
Lets not just limit ourselves to copy paste or to the business articles. We are dealing with corporates and business side too much already. So let this blog show the creative side of yours. Let more poems, short stories, experience be posted. Be different, be creative. Let the writer in you live it's dream here. Let this be the dwelling place for your writer. Who knows tomorrow you may write your own novel.
This is not for evaluation, so post not for marks or to impress anyone but post right from your heart. That gives a life to your blog post and more comments/feedback would flow into it.

Add pictures to give life to your blog. If you face any issue we can start a technical support blog too where we can post our queries and rest all can sort out the issue. Let this be the teamwork than individual effort. Lets motivate each other.
Do not just blogs, lets read others post too and comment on it. By the way if your blog is interesting I am sure it would attract many readers.
We can start debates in here too.
Now what we need to do is, post the title of two blogs which you liked the most out of 225 blogs. I know there are many blogs which are too good but lets select two best blogs as per you.
So lets come together and make it a success. Post in more suggestions and your views about the same.
i too wanted 2 share the same idea abt our blog...
ppl actively participate nd try 2 read nd comment odrs blogs 2...
hv a gud tym bloggin...
i love this idea of blogging... but the main problem i noted in our blogs is that students are filling up lot of information from net that they have not shown their creativity.... so i have a request for our friends... please give blogs from your heart not from net..... have a great time......
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