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He went to bus stop for going to his home. he was disturbed by many thoughts about his future.. his studies and his home... when a bus came, he just enter in to the bus without looking at where it is going. when he enter he realized that even though the bus is going to the same destination he wanted, the way was different. he has gone through that way only 2 or 3 times. but he was sure of where to get down. he got a seat to sit. still he was thinking about his career and ambitions. he was worried about his home. bus is going through unfamiliar places but he was not looking outside. suddenly bus came in to junction which is the joining point of three roads. he suddenly looked outside " oh my junction has came". he stepped down from the bus. as soon as the bus gone past him, he realized that he have got down at a wrong stop. he don't know that how much distance is there from the junction to his junction. he thought about waiting for another bus. he checked his purse. if he gives money for next bus then there won't be any money to travel further. he has to travel in one more bus to reach his home. time is 7 in the evening. he decides to walk to the bus stop. there was no other option. there was no ATM because that was a rural area. he started to walk. it seems there is no end to that road and the dark place was giving him extra energy to walk faster. one more junction came when he walked for sometime. that was not his junction. he was really frightened to walk further. then he thought that in life also these phases will come. we have to face it without fear. when he walked more he was feeling that he had lost the way. he thought about asking to some people about the way but he felt ashamed in asking because it was his fault that resulted in the current position. he decided to move further because he was having some vague memories about his previous journey through the roads. when he walked further, he found a factory which made sure that he was in the right track. till the time he had covered at least two kilometers by walk. he was having different feelings of tiredness, fear, sadness and anger to himself. he wanted to cry in a big voice but the feeling of shyness about what the other people will think when he cries prevented the emotions from coming out. whenever he found out a light in his way, he thought that his junction has came but when he will realize that it is not his junction, he felt disappointed and at the same time he hoped that the next lighted place will be his junction. during his walk he saw buses going through the road. then he thought that it would have been better if he had been carrying some money in his hand. he scolded himself for not carrying any money with him. when he walked more he was having both feeling of getting lost and nearing the destination. he decided to ask to a man who was coming through the road. when he was walking through the road he noted that there was not much people on the road because it was late evening. in fact the man was the only person he met in the road. man told that it is the right way towards the junction and he will reach the junction if he walk further. he felt happy that his 'adventurous' journey is coming to an end and he also thought that the man who told the way is god himself. he was not sure what type of feeling he was going through when he reached the junction he wanted to reach. when he entered in to a bus from that junction he was thinking about the thoughts which persuaded him to step down in an unfamiliar place and he realized that he was out of his mind for a minute on that moment when he decided to step down. then he compared it with the life. the laziness of one moment can cause one person how much in life. when compared to that situations, today's incident was only a symbolic representation. due to our negative attitude towards life we found isolated in an unfamiliar junction of our life. no way to get out as there is no resources like money in this case. we won't like to ask people for help because it was our fault that leads us in to the bad situation. you don't know the route you have to travel but we will still go in a route that seems to be right for us. in this case there was previous experience. in life the experiences of the other people who suffered the same will guide us through. the way of the journey will be long, hard and frightening, you have to fight it out without falling in emotions. the most important thing you need in life is hope. in this case the hope was there to find out the junction in every lighted place. if we feel disappointed, just think that in the next lighted place there will be our junction. when you fight it through, you will see people going through smooth way. then don't say bad about those people, scold yourselves for what you have done and make sure that in the future we will be cautious in every moment. even though in the beginning you will feel that it is not good to seek anybody's help. later in your journey you have to or you will meet some people who will give you guidance which will be helpful for you to calm your self down and proceed towards your destination. after that guidance you will feel that the man who gave me guidance is the god itself because you rarely see any people in your same road with you. in the harder ways, no one will be with you, then you will want god to help you. in the initial stages god won't help you instead of that god will gave you strength to carry on towards you destination but close to the end of your journey you will see god in some way or the other guiding you and you will feel find that you saw the god at the end of your journey. this incident also reminds us that whenever you are thrown in to a difficult position, you should take it as an adventurous tour in which you enjoy the difficulties. after beating all your difficulties when you reach your destination, it is happiness that surrounds you.......
that's all from the incident which changed the way i look in to my life........................................