This post is about what we were discussing in class; Why Indian students follow 'Yes Sir' behavior and not 'Why Sir' behavior? If you ask me, it is not just about culture but more than that. Human brain (irrespective of region or religion) is an inquisitive by nature. It is not cause of our culture but the way our education system works. Our education system is more of theoretical than practical. It is more of marks focused than learning focused.
Second reason which I feel why Indian students behave in such a manner is cause they do not take studies seriously. They believe in last minute cramming and pass the exams. They have tuition, coaching classes, extra classes, study materials, mock papers and so on. They get ready made questions and answers.
A young baby is the fine example of how an inquisitive mind works. You give any toy to a baby, the baby would break the toy in an attempt to figure out how it works. This is because the baby is curious and shows the desire to learn.
Chinese follows a very unique style of teaching. If a student ask any question or doubt to the teacher, he/she do not answer the question. Rather the teacher would ask question related to the topic to the student forcing the student to think. This way the mind remains curious and students learns to find answers on their own.
If one wants the students to ask questions, rather agreeing to whatever teacher teaches or rather depending on spoon feeding, one have to let the minds of students fly free. Humans have the capability which no other species in this world has, power to think, power to question, power to find solution. Let this power be alive in everyone forever.
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